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Source Details

Title Convention between Great Britain and Spain
Date 1814-08-28
Location Madrid
Signee(s) Britain
Primary Source "Convention between Great Britain and Spain," 5 Feb. 1814; "Treaty between Great Britain and Spain," 5 Jul. 1814; "Additional Articles," 28 Aug. 1814. In A Complete Collection of the Treaties and Conventions, ed. Edward Hertslet. Vol. 2. (London: Butterworths, Fleet Street, 1840), 266-272.
Accession Number
Place of Publication London
Publisher Buttersworth, Fleet Street
Date 1840
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Title Convention between Great Britain and Spain
Date 1814-08-28
Location Madrid
Signee(s) Britain
Primary Source "Convention between Great Britain and Spain," 5 Feb. 1814; "Treaty between Great Britain and Spain," 5 Jul. 1814; "Additional Articles," 28 Aug. 1814. In A Complete Collection of the Treaties and Conventions, ed. Edward Hertslet. Vol. 2. (London: Butterworths, Fleet Street, 1840), 266-272.
Accession Number
Place of Publication London
Publisher Buttersworth, Fleet Street
Date 1840
Author or Creator
Digitised by Organization/Archive
Researcher leading Digitisation / Providing Meta-Field Data
Digitised Title
Date of Digitisation
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Copyright Management This primary source is in the public domain.
Language Unknown
Format PDF
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